3 reasons to move FERPA waiver management online

Our partners at Texas State, University of Alabama at Birmingham, and Hanover College joined us to share how making the switch to CampusESP for FERPA Management has improved campus outcomes and resulted in all around less frustration. Learn more about their unique experiences with improving FERPA waiver management – including all the impactful data around retention and time savings and questions from the audience!

1. Increase student retention

We’ve consistently found that student retention is higher for students when a parent or guardian receives regular updates on student progress, compared to students with a parent who did not receive similar updates. Texas State, UAB, and Hanover average an 11.3% increase in retention for first-time, full-time students with family members receiving updates on student progress. At Texas State, we took things a step further – data showed that the impact of parent engagement on retention is highest for students of color.

By sharing important resources with families and keeping them properly informed, institutions can help bridge stronger partnerships between students and their families. With easy visibility into student progress and timely nudging when help may be needed, families are empowered to partner in their student’s college journey. 

“At Hanover, we asked ourselves what barriers were in place that were inhibiting student success. One barrier we identified was that we simply made it too hard for parents and families to access the information that they needed to be a key partner for their student,” said Katy Lowe-Schneider, Associate Provost for Student Outcomes at Hanover College. “At a small school, we don’t have a lot of staff, so CampusESP helps us work smarter, not harder.


2. Save staff time

From reducing phone calls from families to streamlining outdated processes, there are many time savings benefits to moving FERPA management online. CampusESP provides a centralized platform for staff, families, and students to use. Plus, families are notified automatically when important records change such as new holds, financial aid requirements, and grades. Families are equipped with the information they need to answer their own questions – saving staff time from answering them!

“This tool is like a team member — a team member that doesn't call in sick, doesn't take vacation, and knows exactly what to do and what to share,” said Martha Fraire-Cuellar, University Registrar at Texas State University. “We would not be able to keep up with phone calls if it were not for this tool.” 

Another CampusESP partner, University of West Georgia, calculated their exact time savings impact from FERPA processing improvements. UWG experienced a 93% decrease in paper forms processed each month, which translates to 38 full workdays of staff time saved over an 18-month period.


3. Improve student privacy

Today’s families are involved and crave information from their student’s institution. Ease of access to FERPA-protected information becomes incredibly important in protecting data privacy. The reality? 61% of parents have their students’ college IDs and passwords — and that only represents the parents that admit to it.

By switching to parent-initiated, digital permissions waivers, institutions can improve secure access for families that want to help keep their students on track. Through CampusESP for FERPA Management, students control exactly which records are shared, giving them the autonomy to make their own decisions about their information.

“FERPA is not a weapon, a sword, or a shield,” said Dr. John Jones, Vice President of Student Affairs at University of Alabama at Birmingham. “It's a process in which you are protecting student information, but at the same time are sharing the information with the appropriate parties.”

Looking to dive deeper? Watch the full webinar below.

As we’ve seen with Texas State, UAB, and Hanover, streamlining FERPA can lead to better outcomes not only for the institutions themselves, but also for the families and students that they serve. It’s a win-win-win.

Want to learn more about how CampusESP can help improve your campus outcomes?


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University of West Georgia improves student retention and saves time by moving FERPA waivers online